Monday, September 26, 2011

ART EVENT # 2: Carl Plansky

The opening of local artist Carl Plansky was an interesting event.  There were lots of his pieces that were expressive and colorful.  Also on display were his “studies” and even paint palettes.  Carl Plansky unfortunately passed recently.  However, people are still recognizing his wonderful artistic abilities.
            I really enjoyed looking at his “Tree studies.”  Looking at artist’s studies and practices help the viewer to get a look inside their brain and see what they were thinking.  I could see all the different brush strokes he used to see which one he liked best.  Plansky used a lot of paint.  He liked to put layers and layers of oils on one page.  These studies were interesting because they were almost abstract, but you could still understand what object he was creating.  The complimentary blue shadows and orange highlights created a really interesting play off one another.
            His piece “Winter Landscape” was created with the help of some of his tree studies.  I was amazed at how long his brush strokes were.  They weren’t precise and intricate like lots of famous art pieces.  Even though he used the longest brush stokes, you could still understand the wintery cold, but beautiful snowy day he was trying to recreate.
            Carl Plansky really enjoyed using oil paints.  However, when he traveled he would often use acrylics so the paint would be able to dry faster.  A palette that Plansky applied with oil paints in August is in the museum and is still in the process of drying.
            This event was a great one to go to.  I enjoyed getting to see the work of a local artist, and being able to see studies instead of just the final pieces he created.  It was almost like I had set foot into his art studio, which I thought was overall the best part of the show.

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